HD-Ready Multimedia SXGA Portable Visual Presenter
- A 1080p HDMI output for a large screen flat panel high definition display, audio and video processor for a full frame video recording
- Equipped with a 22-inch gooseneck for 14″x11” wide angle capture
- 15 fps (SXGA) and 20 fps (XGA) frame rate
- HDTV 1080P, UXGA (1600 x 1200), SXGA (1280 x 1024) and XGA (1024 x 768) Output Resolution
- 3X Optical, 2X Mechanical and 6X Digital Zoom Capability!
- Includes dual cold-cathode lamps on the gooseneck to illuminate objects uniformly from any angle
- Instructors can use the “Half-page” key to toggle the captured page from full page to top half page in larger print to bottom half page in larger print without moving the actual paper.